The 3R's helps shorten the amount of waste that is disposed into our air. Waste is using something without adequate return. In other words, it is using something thoughtlessly and not returning it back. Using something inefficiently can be more dangerous every year as more and more of us are producing waste. A way of preventing us from the polluting the world and saving us money is using the 3R's, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Reducing something is making less of, or 
using less of it. Reducing plays a massive role in lessening the amount of waste that is contributing to global warming. One type of Reducing is "Source Reduction". Source Reduction is purchasing products that are not wasteful within their packaging or use. A vital part of reducing waste is using natural resources wisely, such as the use of paper which comes from trees. Below, are multiple ways on how to reduce in the real world:

  1. Buy and Use Less - Make sure you use and buy only what you need. The less stuff you buy and use, the less waste there will be.
  2. Packaging - Make wise packaging selections! Some packagings are wasteful therefore not recyclable and contributes to global warming. Pretty packaging are not always the best as it cost more and is usually bad for the environment.
  3. Plastic bags - Don't take store bags! If you are only buying one or two items, take them in your hands. An alternative is to carry a reusable bag with you to store what you buy. Many grocery stores have recycling bins for plastic bags as well.
  4. Durability - Use things that can last for a long time rather than have an item that can hardly last a year. Examples of durable products are - household appliances, furniture, bricks or jewelery
  5. Gardening -  Maybe, after considering the last four points, start your own garden. This gives you the benefit of not having to go out to the supermarket every second day. It also makes a difference to our world as the food you grow will not have to be processed and packaged.
These are some helpful startups to REDUCE - the first step to the 3R Rule!


Instead if throwing away items, you can reuse them which will decrease the amount of waste disposed in our worlds. Instead of just throwing away stuff, use them again or give them to someone else to use. Another form of reusing is repairing. People always say "one man's trash is another man's treasure". You don't know what can be useful to others. Here are some ways to reduce:
  1. Washable - When going to restaurants, take washable cups and/or mugs. I'm sure they will be happy to fill or refill your cups.
  2. Donate - If you have no choice but to throw something away, donate it to charity. "One man's trash is another man's treasure"
  3. Garage/yard sales - You can give away stuff you don't need by holding garage sales. Advertise them in the newspaper, internet etc. You can help yourself make some money, help others and help the world.
  4.  Buy smarter - Before you select something new to buy, check if there are good things at garage sales or charitable outlets. You can have a bang for your buck while you help save the world.
  5. Babies? - Look for reusable diapers rather than disposable ones. You can find many washable ones at charitable outlets. 


Last but not least there is recycling. The definition of recycling is the treating and processing of waste and used materials for it to be suitable to reuse. In other words or in kiddy language, recycling is turning waste into something useful for the future. Such as recycling plastic can make more coke bottles. Nearly everything in your household that can't be reused can be RECYCLED! Below is a variety of things you can recycle:

  • Acid Batteries
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Building Materials
  • Cardboard
  • Chemicals
  • Electronic equipment
  • Glass (particularly bottles and jars)
  • Lead
  • Magazines
  • Metal
  • Newspaper
  • Oil
  • Paint
  • Paper
  • Plastic Bags
  • Plastic Bottles
  • Steel Cans
  • Tires
  • White Goods (Appliances)
  • Wood
  • Writing/Copy Paper
  • Yard Waste

But beware, only go to recycling after you have considered to reduce and reuse!